부산토닥이 울산여성전용마사지 부산여성전용마사지 울산토닥이

비앤비 여성전용아로마스웨디시 마사지 A good foot massage method for recovering from fatigue As I keep crouching because of the cold weather, I feel stiff all over my body and make a crackling sound every time I turn my shoulders. I don’t have enough time to exercise, so I’m getting tired. I thought I couldn’t do it like this, so I started massaging my feet before I went to bed. Foot massage is a way to get the best effect with minimal effort! I’ll tell you how to massage your feet by investing 5 minutes before you go to bed. 발 How to massage your feet. Before doing the foot massage, you should wash your feet thoroughly, right? I’m going to apply enough body lotion while my feet are wet. If you apply body lotion when it’s wet, it makes your feet more moist, so you can gently apply acupressure even when massaging. First, gently sweep up one foot from toe to ankle. If you repeat this movement, it warms your feet as a whole, which is good for blood circulation. Make sure to massage your feet with both hands from toe to ankle. It’s good to press it with your palm as if you’re squeezing your feet. With your fingers, press down and twist your big toes. Wrap your feet lightly with both hands, and move gently with your thumb from the top of your foot to the back of your ankle. Then, move your thumb a little more inward and massage it lightly in a small circle with your thumb. Massage it all the way to your ankles. Lightly massage the lower part of the ankle and around the ankle, then lightly tap the top of the foot and the soles of the feet with a fist. The other foot in the same order. 비앤비 여성전용아로마스웨디시 마사지

대전토닥이 여성전용아로마스웨디시 대전여성전용마사지 부산여성전용마사지 여성전용출장마사지 울산토닥이 대구토닥이 대구토닥이 부산여성전용마사지 대전여성전용마사지 울산토닥이 울산여성전용마사지